In November 2023, I was in Paris working for Mathematic. We worked on an ad for a new set of Lego Explore in space. It was six fifteen seconds ads. I worked on medoling and texturing, but also VFX, such as liquids and cloth, it was an amazing experience working with all these beautiful and talented people.
Here's what i contributed to this project:
In this ad, I worked on the dog's leach, flowing through space and dragging this little dirl's buoy.
FX done in Houdini with Vellum.
In this ad, I've worked on the liquid droplets floating, creating them inside of Maya's Bifrost engine. and scattring them around the milkyway according to the camera's position. It created another layer of details.
I also created the planets in the background in Houdini

The background planet, made in Houdini

In this next and final ad, I created the crystal rock that comes out of the ground, I made it in Houdini.
I also created the green goo that can be seen on the ground on the last shot, with Maya's Bïfrost
(the animated goo is 2D).
I scattered rocks on the ground and made them interact with  the robot in Houdini.
I animated the crystal as it goes out of the hole and created the RBD simulation of all the small rocks being explused out of the hole in Houdini.
Modeled the spaceship in the background, the lego heads planets in the background and also lit one of the shots in Arnold.

The Crystal, made in Houdini

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